Please consider helping us with expenses as we seek to minister using art and story.
Compelling Light is a 501(c)(3) non-profit entity. Along with our documentaries, we meet with people in various venues around the purpose of loving God and our neighbor as ourself. We seek to respond to various needs and opportunities in the name of Jesus encouraging people to follow and trust Him.
If you would like more specific information about our needs, please contact us.
Donations through this form will be made payable to the Compelling Light General Fund. All donations are currently going to the General Fund. Donations contribute to the making of films, meeting with people and other ministry work.
If you would like to donate by mail, you can make checks payable to Compelling Light and mail to:
Compelling Light
PO Box 821536
Dallas, TX 75382-1536
Federal Tax ID: 75-2687662